Regin Igloria
October 3, 2010
Using timing chip technology currently used in racing events, the artist created a text-generating 10-kilometre road race that took place during the 2010 ANTI Contemporary Art Festival.
When signing up for the race, participants were asked to register a short line of text – this was open to any writing limited to 150 words or less; perhaps it announced the individual's reason for running a 10K, perhaps it was something the person had been meaning to say to someone, perhaps it was a line from a favorite song. The unique line of text was stored in a chip that was tied onto the individual's running shoe. As the participant crossed the finish line, the line of text was placed in the growing ‘results text’ according to that person's position in the race (i.e. the 44th runner to finish the race had his or her text placed in line 44 of the final piece). Each line appeared on a large screen as the runners crossed the finish line, unfolding in real time as the race progressed. Jari Piirainen, an athlete and former Finland skiing coach, emceed the event. Sixty-three total participants entered the race and finished, resulting in the text shown below:
Thanks for creating this very moment, that I wish to taste more, to feel more, to be more
Just this once, in our favor
In the end nobody wins unless everybody wins
Be true to who you are, and have room for what you might be come
… Yes, Zwi, you can do it …
It is not about what is right, it is about what is fair
Onni tulee eläen, ei ostaen
juoksen terveydeksi ja iloksi huolet baanalle jättäen
Niin kauan kuin jalka nousee!
Iloitsen, että minut on puhallettu henkiin
I run therefore I am!
Juoksen varsinaiseksi
Syyllisyys, apatia ja tekopyhä autuus
You would feel much better if you left this life alone
Kaikki syyt, jotka estävät meitä liikkumasta, ovat tekosyitä
Me seducen las mentes
Se mikä ei tapa, se vahvistaa!
Minäkin olen täällä
Rock is dead - long live paper and scissors!
Kilometrien keräily ei ole synti vaan intohimo
Minulla on tästä asti aikaa
Dear Laura:
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye
Rohkeus, Rehellisyys ja Rakkaus; Niistä on aito ihmissydän tehty
Aivokalvoa vai vaahtokarkkeja? Maailmanvallankumous vai raakaa homoanaaliseksiä telkkariin? Valitsin sinut rakkaani
No prestes atencion a tus 5 sentidos.NO REACCIONES! Solo se honesto contigo mismo
Nyt olikin jo ihan hyvä aika pysähtyä hetkeksi
You. Me. Here. Now. Us. Together
Silkkaa laulamisen iloa - pure pleasure of singing!
Ystävän kanssa juostessa ei huomaa kilometrejä!
Juokseminen on yksinkertaista. Running is simple. Att springe är enkelt. Das Laufen ist einfach
"Don't," she said, suddenly in a serious mood, "think you've walked a mile in my shoes now. It's not enough, what you've done"
Jospa sittenkin mentäs
Syö jälkiruoka ensin
Liidän ja kiidän ajatusavaruudessa
Rakkaat ovat ystävän suola ja minä sen suurkuluttaja
Live, life, laughing, loving, crying
I gotta find Bubba!
Mitä virkaa on patsaalla kun se on uudelleen pystytetty mänty
Juoksin elämälle- muistaen sen rajallisuuden
Opening, Closing, Opening
Here we are, me & Minna, after 20 years still going together. Maybe a bit slower but still going on
"Ympärillä olevat ihmiset rikastuttavat elämääsi, kun annat heille vain siihen mahdollisuuden"
Missä on tahtoa, on myös tie!
Ei tippa tapa eikä ämpäriin huku
kumartaen lähdit luotani, Ilia ajatelit: Liisa Ihmemaassa osaa kulkea kutistuneen eteisen kautta
Tillverkat i Finland
Pakko saada kermaa!
Niin minä sitten kerroin hänelle, että aion ruveta kirjailijaksi; hän katsoi minuun ja hymyili - lempeän alentuvasti ja alentavasti
Up, out and running says mr Crow
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mistery. Today is a gift, that is why it is called present
I'm here! Although I lost my boarding pass and I was almost on the plane to Rome. I didn't bring the right shoes so this sentence may be last....
Mä olen paimama!
Antabusreaktiossa asetaldehydiä kertyy elimistöön, josta seuraa ahdistusta, sydämen tykytystä ja ihon punoitusta
Listening seems to be more important than anything else in my life right now, to listen to myself; my body, my mind,my soul, my gut feeling, my heart
"--right where we are unable to share, we share this non-sharing, this desire, this impossibility." -helen cixous
Olis pitäny ajatella tätäkin asiaa aiemmin
Pyörällä oisin ollut jo perillä
and the fog is lying thick over the harbour the seabirds are hiding and there is a slight wind disturbing the fallen autumn leaves on the ground and suddenly Ö
I'm sorry
I saw: A hooded Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, Gull, Mallard, Goldeneye, Sparrow, Great tit and something with a yellow tail. Lintu

Photograph: Pekka Mäkinen

Photograph: Pekka Mäkinen

Photograph: Pekka Mäkinen

Photograph: Pekka Mäkinen

Photograph: Pekka Mäkinen

Photograph: Pekka Mäkinen
ANTI 10k Run Write Run
2010 Kuopio, Finland